The groundwater of the area is fresh water except for a
few samples which are brackish. To ascertain the
suitability of groundwater for any purpose, it is essential
to classify the groundwater depending upon their
hydrochemical properties based on their TDS values.
Most of the groundwater samples are within the
maximum permissible limit for drining as per the WHO
international standard, except 23 samples of august
2010. The TDS zonation map of august 2010 was
prepared by setting the most desirable (500 mg/l) and
maximum allowable (1500 mg/l) limits. The map
shows that eastern and western part of the study area
contains more soluble salts in groundwater which
cannot be used for drinking. The spatial variations of
various geochemical elements in groundwater were
plotted using GIS Figure.4. Higher concentrations of
sodium and chloride ions were noticed in the eastern
and western parts of the study area. Leading the
groundwater unsuitable for drinking. Increased trend of
fluoride concentration were also noticed in the spatial
variation diagrams of August 2010.disposal of
Municipal Solid Waste in the eastern part of the basin
might have affected the groundwater quality.