[3:38:00 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: That's why I explained in the email that to avoid confusion, you don't really need to see the receipts
[3:38:11 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: unless you really want to
[3:38:31 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: I know you will be very confuse with the receipts
[3:38:45 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: too many numbers/figures to see
[3:39:08 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: to make your job easier, I made Patchy & Billie Taxi Fees in simple table
[3:39:33 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: you can ignore the receipts sent in my email as the attachment
[3:39:54 PM] Irv@n Rudyantho: those receipts are for taxi, toll tickets and taxi surcharge