Firstly, genotype has strong impact on callus formation from anther culture [Chen et
al. 1997]. Different cultivars also gave various callus induction rates. Lin et al. [2007]
found that callus inductivity through anther culture varied from different cultivars and
individual plants in one cultivar. ‘UC 155’ obtained higher callus inductivity – 18.9% in
comparison to ‘UC 142’, ‘Gijnlim’, ‘Thielim’ – 11.6%, 10.3%, 5.8%, respectively. The
highest callus inductivity of individual plants of ‘UC 155’ amounted to 83.5%. In the
study of Tang et al. [2011], ‘Thielim’ gave the highest callus inductivities (46%) while
‘Backlim’ had the shortest callus induction time (33 days) among five cultivars.