One of the strangest beasts in the american part of the tropical and subtropical region is the armadillo. It's native home is central America,eastern Mexico,and parts of southwestern Texas and nearby states. The armadillo's head and body together are about fifteen inches long , and so is it's tail. From nose to tail tip, it's upper part and sides are protected by a suit of armor made of hard, bony plates. Over the shoulders and hip,these plates make a solid immovable sheet. In the middle of the body, they are put together in nine over lapping but movable hoops. The tail plates can,move also,resulting in the armadillo's ability to bend It's tail and the middle part of It's body .It's legs also can walk and run freely inside the protection of their rigid shields.These strange mammals live mostly on various insects,such as ants ,centipedes,spiders,and scorpions.Their teeth are not very effective.But their long,sticky tongues can sweep up dozens of ants with one lick.Also,their strong claws are admirably suited for uncovering hidden delicacy . Today armadillo's are found only in the western hemisphere . The smallest is only six inches long,and the largest measures three feet,not counting It's tail,and weighs nearly 100 pounds. Some of their long extinct ancestors wore absolutely solid armor and were as long as trucks.
One of the strangest beasts in the american part of the tropical and subtropical region is the armadillo. It's native home is central America,eastern Mexico,and parts of southwestern Texas and nearby states. The armadillo's head and body together are about fifteen inches long , and so is it's tail. From nose to tail tip, it's upper part and sides are protected by a suit of armor made of hard, bony plates. Over the shoulders and hip,these plates make a solid immovable sheet. In the middle of the body, they are put together in nine over lapping but movable hoops. The tail plates can,move also,resulting in the armadillo's ability to bend It's tail and the middle part of It's body .It's legs also can walk and run freely inside the protection of their rigid shields.These strange mammals live mostly on various insects,such as ants ,centipedes,spiders,and scorpions.Their teeth are not very effective.But their long,sticky tongues can sweep up dozens of ants with one lick.Also,their strong claws are admirably suited for uncovering hidden delicacy . Today armadillo's are found only in the western hemisphere . The smallest is only six inches long,and the largest measures three feet,not counting It's tail,and weighs nearly 100 pounds. Some of their long extinct ancestors wore absolutely solid armor and were as long as trucks.
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