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The increasing popularity of smoking among the world’s population and across
various age groups has become one of the major global tragedies for countries and
their governments. Although many governments’ officials have started taking
initiatives toward tackling this problem in their own geographic territories several
years back, but numbers are still indicating a worrying situation. Having the positive
intention in mind towards reducing the number of smokers throughout United
Kingdom; the government has specifically invested and established organisations with
the aim of tackling smoking in UK’s four countries of Northern Ireland, Scotland,
England, and Wales. ‘Stop Smoking Wales’, a government organisation, is charged to
deal with smoking in Wales. According to a recent research (Welsh Assembly
Government 2009, p. 6, 22), “24 per cent of adults [16 and above] in Wales reported
smoking at least occasionally, [but compared to other UK countries, Wales has] the
lowest proportions of both male and female adults who smoke”. It has been clearly
understood that in order to help both the public and the smokers themselves, Stop
Smoking Wales has a mission to encourage people of all ages to stop smoking and to
reduce smoking-related litter within the country.