Smart phone technology is currently very important communication gadget and has
become an essential part in everyday life. However, elderly seems to be the neglected
user group in the design of recent smart phone interface due to the low penetration of
the technology for the elderly. In order to develop an elderly-friendly user interface, we
believe one should study the behavior of the target user and collect related relevant
information. Hence this paper attempt to observe the behavior of inexperienced elderly
people towards smart phone and report some issues on usability. The methods used in
this study are observation, interview and task evaluation where the three elderly
volunteers age 60s were given current smart phone technology. Each participant was
observed and given sets of task to be evaluated and finally they're interviewed to know
their opinion about the smart phone technology. All three participants were evaluated
separately in an isolated control room. As a result, we found that a lot of improvement
must be done in order to develop and design a smart phone that may facilitate
inexperienced elderly on using the technology