2.8 Create Boundary Conditions
This example is an “open boundary” problem. That is, one would like to solve for the field of the coil in an unbounded space, unaffected by a nearby computational boundary. However, the finite element method always requires that problems be solved on a bounded domain. To approximate an unbounded domain, click on the Create IABC Open Boundary button on the toolbar. This button brings up the Open Boundary Builder wizard that create a boundary structure that accurately emulates the impedance of an unbounded domain. The wizard is shown below as Figure 2. Figure 2: Open Boundary Builder wizard. It is generally sufficient to simply accept the suggested boundary parameters by hitting OK. However, for the purposes of this problem, radius of 3 and a center of (0,0) was specified (by specifying parameters as shown in Figure 2). The completed geometry looks as in Figure 3. The multi¬layer structure is built automatically after OK is pressed on the Open Boundary Builder, and it provides all necessary boundary conditions for the problem. 8/14/2015 Finite Element Method Magnetics: FEMM 4.2 Magnetostatic Tutorial data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22header%22%20style%3D%22position%3A%20relative%3B%20padding%3A%200px%2010px%2… 5/10 Figure 3: Completed coil model, ready to be analyzed.