89 years old Japanese woman with advanced dementia was also admitted to the same facility of case 1. Her MMSE score was 10 and medically she was stable. The challenge for this patient was refusal of the daily care and wandering. Her BEHAVE-AD assessment was 9. All the nursing staff for this patient also had training of Humanitude® and continued to provide the standardized care based on the methodology. One month later after the training, her BPSD was improved and BEHAVE-AD score decreased to 0. In the follow- up of the month 3, the score was 1. In the sub-categorical analysis,
paranoid and delusional ideation was major change of her BEHAVE- AD scoring. In the narrative analysis of the nursing staff, 33% of the nursing staff described the decrease of her agitation and wandering, improvement of verbal and non-verbal communications with the patient.