Did you know that eating healthy is as easy as following the rainbow?
That's right, if you incorporate a rainbow array of colored fruits and vegetables in your diet, then you'll be well on your way to a well-rounded and nutritious diet.
Here are the five colors you need to eat on a regular basis to enhance your health!
As you read through these colorful food options, we will provide guidance on the foods that are best for Stage 1 of Body Ecology (the initial healing stages of Body Ecology) and the foods to add during stage 2 (once your inner ecosystem is healed). For more on Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Body Ecology, read: The Quick and Easy Guide to Improving Your Health on the Body Ecology Diet Part II
- See more at: http://bodyecology.com/articles/five_colors_eat_routinely.php#sthash.54kl7Cwr.dpuf