the analysis presented in this paper has demonstrated that a
systems perspective on safety can be beneficial to the safety engineering process for lithium ion-battery systems. The five properties
of lithium ion-batteries that can develop into hazards, voltage, arc-
flash/blast potential, fire potential, vented gas combustibility potential, and vent gas toxicity, can develop hazards and combinations of hazards that are difficult to predict or control using
conventional analysis techniques. This difficulty stems from the a
reliance on Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) which poorly
models the complexity of accidents in modern systems. The pro-
posed alternative, Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Process
(STAMP), views safety as an emergent property of sociotechnical
systems and has been shown to better address complexity in many
high consequence industries. Based on STAMP, Systems-Theoretic
Process Analysis (STPA) provides a step-by-step procedure to
analyze hazards which, by treating them as emergent system
states, was especially effective when applied to a system with
lithium-ion batteries.