You can use case management in AX to record, update, track, follow up on, and close issues that are raised by your customers, vendors, or employees, or cases that are created through your audit processes. By planning, tracking, and analyzing cases, you can develop efficient resolutions that can be used for similar issues. Because you can use case management for customer, vendor, or work issues, the cases form is located in the common module. The cases form includes several different versions of the same view that allow you to easily filter down to the correct cases that are related to your open cases, overdue cases, or cases that are in your queries for example. There are many different types of cases that you can use in AX. For example, cases can be used to track customer service issues. There are buttons available in the customer service form and directly on the customer and sales order forms to help you manage these types of cases. Another example would be using cases for purchasing and receiving. When you are receiving products from a new vendor and there's an issue, you might want to create a case to keep track of the details of that particular issue. You could also use cases for human resources and payroll-related issues. Workers can log into the portal and submit a case when they have an issue. Or you could generate cases internally as you were updating and processing certain types of information such as performance reviews. With the auditing capabilities that are embedded into AX in the audit workbench module, you can create cases when your auditors are onsite to help you keep track of the issues that might need follow-up. Another example is for collections and accounts receivable. As the collection workers are following up and calling on past due invoices, you can create cases to keep track of which invoices and customers you have contacted and keep track of other things such as disputed transactions or transactions that have been promised to pay. Another type of case is a product change case. This type of case helps you manage the product lifecycle management of new bill of material formulas or route operations. This case allows you to keep track of all the different changes and documents that need to be tracked and approved before you update the actual product in your system. In this demonstration, we're going to walk through how to create a case and after that, we'll add an association to the case. And finally, we'll view the case from the products form. So to start things off, let's navigate to the new cases form. To do so, we're going to go to common, go to common again, cases, and then all cases. And now, once this pulls up, here it is. This is a list of all the cases that we currently have for this company. And like I said, we're going create a new case. So I'm going to click this new button and I'll press case. Now we have some fields we need to enter before our case is created. This first field is the name field. So I'll select a name for our case. And let's go with Alpine Electronics. So now that's selected, I'll just press select. The next field to look at is the case category field. And it looks a little different from the rest of the fields here, as I'm sure you can see. We have this red outline around the field and also this red asterisk here. So this means that we have to fill this field out in order to create our case. The rest of the fields are optional and we don't need to enter anything. But case category, we must enter something. So I'm going to click the drop down. Let's go into the sales node. We'll go to the install node. Scroll down a little bit. And we'll select TV ins. And this just stands for TV install. So I've selected that. I'll press OK. The next field is the status field. And it defaults to opened when you create a case. There are some other options here as well for status. And you'll select these as you move through the case. We have the in process status. There's closed. And cancelled status in case the case is cancelled for some reason. So we're going to stick with opened. In the description field here, I'm going to just enter TV install. And this priority field here is pretty nice. It will -- if let's say we have a high-priority case, we can inform everyone that that is high priority. Or if it's low priority, we can select that here too. For this demonstration, this isn't a low-priority case or an urgent priority, so we're going with medium. So selected that. Let's say we had a parent case that we needed to attach to this case, we would enter that in this field here. We don't though, so we're going to continue on. I'm gong to show you the fields in the other tab. We have the department field, so if there's a department attached to this case, we would select that here. We can select the responsible employee for this case as well. We have the service level agreement field. And also case process. And now