Yes, your network, your service provider, and your government can be actively contributing to the global Denial of Service (DoS) epidemic!
DoS attacks come in two ‘families’. The first DoS family are from tools that are launched from infected, violated, and penetrated devices on the Internet. They’re ‘remote controlled’ by the attackers to hit a target. The industry can trace back to the source of the attack and remediate these violated devices.
The second DoS family attack are ‘spoofed attacks’. Spoofed DoS attacks send packets with a ‘spoofed’ source address to a device that will ‘reflect’ that attack. The ‘spoof’ includes the IP address of the targeted network. When the ‘third party’ receives the spoofed packet, it will replace to the source – which is the target, not the device that originally sent the packet. This allows the attacker to whack the target with a DoS attack without giving away their location.