3.3. Transfer station characteristics
The geographic location of individual transfer stations influenced
the amount of bird use atthose facilities. The median number
of birds using waste transfer stations in Ohio (35.5 birds per survey)
was over twice that of the median bird use of waste transfer stations
in Arizona (15 birds per survey); whereas bird use of facilities
in Massachusetts and Connecticut (median of 19 birds per survey)
and the state of Washington (median of 20 birds per survey) were
intermediate to other states (H = 113.0, p < 0.001). European starling
use of transfer stations varied (H = 544.1, p < 0.001) among states;
the median number of starlings using transfer stations in northeast
and midwest states was 10 orders of magnitude higher than
starling use of transfer stations in the southeast and Pacific northwest.
Overall, use of waste transfer stations by gulls in Ohio was
twice that of gulls using transfer stations in Washington (H = 26.7,
p < 0.001).