Effect of treatment on FRAP, total phenolics,
There was no significant difference in FRAP among the treatment groups except DB/acetone-extract and DB/dry-leaves
groups (P≤0.05). FRAP in DB/ethanol-extract did not differ significantly from no-DB/control group (Table 3). Total phenolics
concentration was over 20% higher in DB/ethanol-extract and
DB/acetone-extract than in DB/not-treated and no-DB/nottreated groups (P≤0.05, Tukey’s test). TBARS index was
approximately 50% lower for the treatment groups than DB/
not-treated and>35% lower than for no-DB/not-treated groups
(P≤0.05, Tukey’s test). Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R)
between the total phenolics and FRAP and TBARS and FRAP
were 0.81 and 0.61, respectively (P≤0.05)