he supermarket they had chosen was the least crowded that they could think of. Except for them, only one more couple, a teenager and staff where inside. Kuro lead Mahiru through the aisles by holding his hand tightly. The brunette had agreed that it would be simplest to have his servamp lead him until he would get the hang of everything himself.
Kuro made sure that Mahiru wasn’t running into things or touching anything that could break. The brunette was fixated to do as much of the shopping by himself that he could. So he did what he could do for now. He let Kuro lead him to the aisles that he wanted to go and then the teen would crouch and try to feel for his favourite brand. More often than not, he came really close to picking out the product. Sometimes it would be a slightly different flavour and Kuro would just let it pass so that his Eve wouldn’t be upset and sometimes he would tell him that it was the wrong kind or not even the right product at all. When they went through the sweets aisle Kuro stopped his Eve and pushed a big box of chocolate chip cookies into his hand. “Its cereal,” Kuro lied with a big grin. Mahiru nodded and was about to put it into the trolley, when Lily appeared behind the servamp of sloth and scolded him. “Are you really taking advantage of Mahiru’s blindness?” the younger servamp asked and took the box out of Mahiru’s hand.
Kuro smiled lazily and shrugged his shoulders. He looked at Mahiru who pouted at him but didn’t say anything. He was probably glad to have something as normal as Kuro causing him trouble again.
“Let’s get milk and I’ll have everything I need here,” Mahiru said and grabbed Kuro’s hand to be guided to the refrigerators. Kuro corrected him when he grabbed the wrong carton and put the good one into the trolley. After that they waited for Tetsu and Hugh outside. Apparently Hugh wanted to talk to the manager because they weren’t selling biscuits in the shape of dinosaurs. They walked out a few minutes later, with Hugh having settled on a lollipop.
“Now to the hot springs,” Hugh announced loudly.
Mahiru felt his cheeks heat up. “W-What? I think it would be simpler to go home.”
“It wouldn’t have to be the hot springs,” Misono suggested “We could go anywhere Mahiru wants to go. Let’s bring his groceries home and decide afterwards.”