1. Strand
5. Geography
2. Indicators
SO5.1.1 Use geographical instruments for collecting, analysing and efficiently presenting geo-data and information.
SO5.1.2 Analyse influence of geographical conditions causing physical problems or natural disasters in Thailand and other regions of the world.
SO5.1.3 Analyse changes in the area influenced by geographical factors in Thailand and various continents.
SO 5.1.4 Analyse whether natural changes in the world result from human and/or natural actions.
3. Sub Concept ad Topic
1. Geography
1.1 Physical features of Thailand
1.2 Tourism industry in Thailand
4. Objectives
- To learn and understand the definitions of geography
- To understand and indicate the different physical features of six parts in Thailand
- To understand and indicate the factors affecting tourism activities in Thailand
5. Learner Capacity
- Understanding the meanings of vocabulary about geography
6. Desirable Attributions
- Learners' ability in using correct words relating to geography
- Learners' understandings distinct features of each part of Thailand
- Learners' indications of factors affecting an increase and a decrease of tourists in Thailand