Thank you for your kind supports and efforts for the meeting last week.
Based on our discussions, I’ve already shared with our team in Tokyo and am pleased to offer the next meeting in BKK since 23rd June.
At this time, we’ll send Mr. Gen to BKK for 10-14 days to make the discussion and survey the following;
1. Range of operation by new company, outsource to Finansia Syrus
As discussed previously, we would like to clarify what kind operations we have to do or can outsource, after your reviewing the rules and regulations of SEC.
We recognize this is quite important to make the business plan and organization at the initial stage.
We would like categorize the following reasons, legal aspects, the economic and cost, efficient operation.
2. Basic business strategies and differentiation
① Online brokerage business
There are some regulations and business customs we have to overcome for setting up the online business in Thailand.
ex) account opening process, customer service, required monthly and half-yearly on-line report to clients, etc.
② Fee scheme
We would like to offer the lowest fee to the clients like SBI Securities in Japan, analyzing the profitability, operation costs, system investment, etc.
③ Web design concept, trading tools and functions and system concept
Utilizing the reports you send on the following e-mail and visits to the financial institutions, we would like to understand the culture, customs, and preference of Thai People and the reflect them to the web design and system.
3. Pending issues
① The reason why we select the broker license, not sub-broker
② Fee scheme with the settlement banks, whether we can expand the number of settlement banks without any additional fee charge or not.
③ Analyze the account opening form; as we sent the account opening form of SBI Securities, please clarify the SEC’s required parts, judgment of trading limit parts, and marketing parts on the items of your account opening form.
④ Products; clarify the financial products we can distribute to the clients, following the category of securities business license.
⑤ Financial matters; If we get the new license, please let us know the payment schedule of capital and each fees, license fee and etc.
We appreciate your kind confirmation whether you could have the meeting with the above agenda as this schedule.
I cannot attend all of the meetings, but will attend the meeting for a few days.
Thank you for your kind supports.