a Cows were subjected to four breeding strategies during a 90-day BS.
TAIþNS: cows received TAI on Day 11 of the BS, followed by NS until the
end of the BS; TAIþEDþNS: cows in the TAIþEDþNS group received TAI at
Day 11, were observed for estrous twice daily with AI 12 hours after ED
until Day 45 of the BS, followed by NS until the end of BS; EDþNS: cows
received AI after ED during the first 45 days of the BS, followed by NS until
the end of BS; NS: cows were bred exclusively by NS during the entire BS.
b Number of pregnant cows after TAI.
c Number of pregnant cows after AI after ED in the TAIþEDþNS and
EDþNS groups.
d Number of pregnant cows after AI after ED.
e–h Within a column, means without a common superscript letter
differed (P < 0.05).