A liquid culture medium containing 3% glycerol waste (v/v)
and Bushnell Hash Mineral (BHM)[(g/L): MgSO4 0.2; CaCl2 0.02;
KH2PO4 1.00; K2HPO4 1.00; NH4NO3 1.00; FeCl3 0.05; (pH
7.0 ± 0.2)] was sterilized, after which sewage water sample was
added as the source of microorganisms for enrichment. The flasks
were kept at 30 ◦C with 120 rpm in shaker incubator for a week,
after which loop-full of the culture broth were streaked on modi-
fied BHM agar plates containing 1% glycerol waste (v/v). Bacterial
colonies growing at 30 ◦C on the agar plates were differentiated on
the basis of colony characteristics. Selected isolates were purified
by four flame streaking method to obtain single colonies. Each isolated
bacterial strain was checked for PHA production and isolate
showing maximum PHA production was identified and selected for
further production optimization. PHA extraction was done using
well established method