et al. (2004b) evaluated the influence of
300 ppm acidifi ed sodium chlorite spray in
50/50 and 90/10 lean beef trimmings and
ground beef made from those trimmings on
aerobic plate count. They found that acidified
sodium chlorite was most effective on
50/50 lean trimmings, reducing counts by
1.1 log 10 CFU/g. Counts in ground beef chubs
were reduced by 1.0 to 1.5 log 10 CFU/g until
day 20 at 2 ° C, while maintaining acceptable
sensory ground beef quality. Gill and Badoni
(2004) compared 0.02% peroxyacetic acid,
0.16% acidifi ed sodium chlorite, 2% lactic
acid, and 4% lactic acid on the natural fl ora
of beef brisket from two slaughtering plants.