Specialties in Transportation Engineering
Transportation engineers typically are employed by the agency responsible for building
and maintaining a transportation system, such as the federal, state, or local government, a
railroad, or a transit authority. They also work for consulting firms that carry out the planning
and engineering tasks for these organizations. During the past century, transportation
engineers have been employed to build the nation’s railroads, the interstate highway system,
rapid transit systems in major cities, airports, and turnpikes. Each decade has seen a
new national need for improved transportation services.
Specialties in Transportation EngineeringTransportation engineers typically are employed by the agency responsible for buildingand maintaining a transportation system, such as the federal, state, or local government, arailroad, or a transit authority. They also work for consulting firms that carry out the planningand engineering tasks for these organizations. During the past century, transportationengineers have been employed to build the nation’s railroads, the interstate highway system,rapid transit systems in major cities, airports, and turnpikes. Each decade has seen anew national need for improved transportation services.
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