The release of improperly treated urban sewage and industrial
effluents containing heavy metals into rivers has become a serious
environmental problem over the world. Consumption of con-taminated river water having heavy metals poses a threat to hu-man health. Removal of heavy metals through chemical pre-cipitation, coagulation–flocculation, adsorption, ion exchange,
membranefiltration and other advanced oxidation processes re-quire high capital and operating and management costs (Kumari
and Tripathi, 2014b). Henceforth, it was imperative to suggest an
economic as well as eco-friendly technology to remove these
heavy metals and improve the wastewater quality
The release of improperly treated urban sewage and industrialeffluents containing heavy metals into rivers has become a seriousenvironmental problem over the world. Consumption of con-taminated river water having heavy metals poses a threat to hu-man health. Removal of heavy metals through chemical pre-cipitation, coagulation–flocculation, adsorption, ion exchange,membranefiltration and other advanced oxidation processes re-quire high capital and operating and management costs (Kumariand Tripathi, 2014b). Henceforth, it was imperative to suggest aneconomic as well as eco-friendly technology to remove theseheavy metals and improve the wastewater quality
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