May: As you know, we are meeting today to decide who is going to be the next board. We have two candidates,
David Lee and John Smith.
I'd like to hear what everyone thinks. Miss สุภาพร, will you go first?
Ked: Yes, OK. Well, personally, I like John Smith best. He's younger than David Lee, and He's skill manage and a new ideas to R&D than David Lee.
May: What do you think, Miss สกุณา?
Kluay: I'm sorry, I don't agree, yes, David Lee is older, but he's more experience than John Smith, and I think that's important for company.
May: What about you Miss ปรารถนา?
Ben: Well, I agree with Miss สกุณา I prefer David Lee too. I think he's to be more experience, he going to manage the company's success.