OMdogOMOct 13, 2014
All Comments
1 day ago
Quaternity1 day ago
This is one of my favorites. I return to it whenever I need help transitioning. Restorative and energizing, this is wonderful for waking up with, but not so much for going to sleep.
Aug 19, 2015
Mahbubur RahmanAug 19, 2015
woh! i listening the music....this music just amazing
Jul 28, 2015
i fell an inner peace and im forhead start tingling then excuse me for this but i also feel venerable... is that normal
Jul 23, 2015
zdrowepasje.plJul 23, 2015
Very relaxing ;-)
Jul 16, 2015
Nathan TaylorJul 16, 2015
shut up.
Jul 4, 2015
Ashraf MuhammadJul 4, 2015
guys don't listen to this music it's digital drugs
May 22, 2015
AudioEntrainmentMay 22, 2015
my all time favorite as well! Thanks for the positive feedback. Namaste
May 22, 2015
askawayaskawayMay 22, 2015
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for offering this to the public. I have used many other binaural beats and this one is still the best that I keep going back to it. I always feel better after I listen to this. I feel balanced and relaxed. Many blessings to you.
May 15, 2015
AudioEntrainmentMay 15, 2015
Blessings :)
May 15, 2015
TheLightworkersMay 15, 2015
Wow! This is really AMAZING! ❤️•٠·˙
May 14, 2015
AudioEntrainmentMay 14, 2015
Thank you for the kind words, many blessings to you!
May 14, 2015
3xoticxMay 14, 2015
You're amazing, healing people. Bless you
Apr 14, 2015
Terb LonnedApr 14, 2015
Everything is possible I have opened all in sequence and so many great things came my way. Also some bad it will equal itself out so be careful off what you attract for you will reap what you saw.
Mar 7, 2015
Martin LozanoMar 7, 2015
I've had the same experience everythime I attempt to open my third eye. Interesting...
Mar 2, 2015
Lance HalzenMar 2, 2015
When the audio started my forehead started tingling. It felt like it was vibrating.
Feb 11, 2015
visceral fateFeb 11, 2015
this is like juice to a parched mouth
Jan 25, 2015
ManiMassacreJan 25, 2015
being deaf in one ear might make this difficult cause different hz are coming through each headphone to create this beat
Dec 27, 2014
Rachael NoDec 27, 2014
Research it. This ain't google bro.
Dec 17, 2014
samuel andersonDec 17, 2014
Somebody should invent a viberating helmet for headaches.
Dec 7, 2014
Mathias FröhlingDec 7, 2014
Seems to be not real binaural beats, like this one here. I checked the left channel, while the right one was off and hear no "wub wub wub" anymore, what means its a real difference in frequency between both channels, for what i am very thankful, because you can't find that very often on Youtube - only mono-wub-wub-wub, what is fake binaural beats, because the wub wub wub is only a "illusion" through the frequency difference, i guess.
Nov 29, 2014
austen lomasNov 29, 2014
this one sounds a lot less harmful than binuaral beats, i think its whether your energies are matched with stuff thats right for you
Nov 29, 2014
austen lomasNov 29, 2014
i am also like that lol
Nov 8, 2014
alyssamarrianNov 8, 2014
@Intelligent Design: In the LOW probability that your fear is true, you are highly underestimating your resilience, intuition, and strength and overestimating your vulnerability. If there was something "bad" about this track, you'd feel slightly less good and you could easily improve your mood by watching a comedy. you are resilient. The extensive positive feedback from viewers suggests that this track leads to positive impacts... and at worst, nothing.
Oct 23, 2014
Intelligent DesignOct 23, 2014
I have a fear of watching these videos because I feel that these sounds could have been uploaded by a malicious uploader to interrupt my energy... so i tend to click the stop button as soon as i hear constant humming or droning. can you please tell me how these particular sounds will help me, sorry to be such a skeptic. Thanks.
Oct 13, 2014
OMdogOMOct 13, 2014
Oct 3, 2014
Тамара ДанюкOct 3, 2014
сильное давление верх головы, головная боль, я не знаю это хорошо или плохо, мне нужен ответ, за ранее благодарна .С уважением Тамара
Oct 2, 2014
Sajkoman DXROct 2, 2014
Your are not completely right my friend, this is purely for relaxation and with yoga meditation you can amplify the frequencies with your inner ear but I am not going to explain this to you. Just trying to tell you that theres no need to monger about friend. Doesn't help anyone.
OMdogOMOct 13, 2014OMMMMMMmmmmmmmความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด1 วันที่ผ่านมาวัน Quaternity1 ที่ผ่านมานี้เป็นหนึ่งในรายการโปรดของฉัน ฉันกลับไปเมื่อใดก็ ตามที่ต้องการความช่วยเหลือในการเปลี่ยน ฟื้นฟู และ energizing นี้ได้ยอดเยี่ยม สำหรับการตื่นด้วย แต่ไม่มากไปนอน19 aug, 2015Mahbubur RahmanAug 19, 2015ใคร! ฉันฟังเพลง...เพลงนี้ครับ28 ก.ค. 2015NAKITA PAYTONJul 28, 2015ฉันตกเป็นความสงบสุข และ im forhead เริ่มหัวใจแล้วโทษนี้ แต่ยังรู้สึกว่ามินท์...คือปกติ23 กรกฎาคม 2015zdrowepasje.plJul 23, 2015เยี่ยมมาก;-)16 กรกฎาคม 2015ธัน TaylorJul 16, 2015หุบปาก4 กรกฎาคม 2015Ashraf MuhammadJul 4, 2015คนไม่ฟังเพลงนี้มันเป็นยาดิจิตอล22 พฤษภาคม 2015AudioEntrainmentMay 22, 2015ทุกเวลาชื่นชอบเป็นอย่างดี ขอบคุณสำหรับคำติชมเป็นบวก นามัส22 พฤษภาคม 2015askawayaskawayMay 22, 2015สวัสดี ฉันแค่อยากจะบอกว่า ขอบคุณสำหรับการบริการนี้ให้กับประชาชน ใช้หลายอื่น binaural เต้น และนี้เป็นส่วนที่ผมเก็บไปกลับไป จะรู้สึกดีขึ้นหลังจากที่ฟัง ฉันรู้สึกสมดุล และผ่อนคลาย พรหลายคุณ15 พฤษภาคม 2015AudioEntrainmentMay 15, 2015พร:)15 พฤษภาคม 2015TheLightworkersMay 15, 2015ว้าว! นี่คือน่าทึ่งจริง ๆ ❤️•٠·˙14 พฤษภาคม 2015AudioEntrainmentMay 14, 2015ขอบคุณสำหรับถ้อยคำ พรคุณมาก14 พฤษภาคม 20153xoticxMay 14, 2015คุณตื่นตาตื่นใจ การรักษาคน หายไว ๆApr 14, 2015Terb LonnedApr 14, 2015Everything is possible I have opened all in sequence and so many great things came my way. Also some bad it will equal itself out so be careful off what you attract for you will reap what you saw.Mar 7, 2015Martin LozanoMar 7, 2015I've had the same experience everythime I attempt to open my third eye. Interesting...Mar 2, 2015Lance HalzenMar 2, 2015When the audio started my forehead started tingling. It felt like it was vibrating.Feb 11, 2015visceral fateFeb 11, 2015this is like juice to a parched mouthJan 25, 2015ManiMassacreJan 25, 2015being deaf in one ear might make this difficult cause different hz are coming through each headphone to create this beatDec 27, 2014Rachael NoDec 27, 2014Research it. This ain't google bro.Dec 17, 2014samuel andersonDec 17, 2014Somebody should invent a viberating helmet for headaches.Dec 7, 2014Mathias FröhlingDec 7, 2014Seems to be not real binaural beats, like this one here. I checked the left channel, while the right one was off and hear no "wub wub wub" anymore, what means its a real difference in frequency between both channels, for what i am very thankful, because you can't find that very often on Youtube - only mono-wub-wub-wub, what is fake binaural beats, because the wub wub wub is only a "illusion" through the frequency difference, i guess.Nov 29, 2014austen lomasNov 29, 2014this one sounds a lot less harmful than binuaral beats, i think its whether your energies are matched with stuff thats right for youNov 29, 2014austen lomasNov 29, 2014i am also like that lolNov 8, 2014alyssamarrianNov 8, 2014@Intelligent Design: In the LOW probability that your fear is true, you are highly underestimating your resilience, intuition, and strength and overestimating your vulnerability. If there was something "bad" about this track, you'd feel slightly less good and you could easily improve your mood by watching a comedy. you are resilient. The extensive positive feedback from viewers suggests that this track leads to positive impacts... and at worst, nothing.Oct 23, 2014Intelligent DesignOct 23, 2014I have a fear of watching these videos because I feel that these sounds could have been uploaded by a malicious uploader to interrupt my energy... so i tend to click the stop button as soon as i hear constant humming or droning. can you please tell me how these particular sounds will help me, sorry to be such a skeptic. Thanks.Oct 13, 2014OMdogOMOct 13, 2014OMMMMMMmmmmmmmOct 3, 2014Тамара ДанюкOct 3, 2014сильное давление верх головы, головная боль, я не знаю это хорошо или плохо, мне нужен ответ, за ранее благодарна .С уважением Тамара
Oct 2, 2014
Sajkoman DXROct 2, 2014
Your are not completely right my friend, this is purely for relaxation and with yoga meditation you can amplify the frequencies with your inner ear but I am not going to explain this to you. Just trying to tell you that theres no need to monger about friend. Doesn't help anyone.
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