Education concentrated lemon drink mix seed membrane GAC Is intended to study the appropriate quantities of seed coat in a beverage lemon concentrated GAC and study nutritional drink, lemon concentrate, mixed seed membrane GAC? Do an experiment with the basic recipe, lemon juice concentrate, come to supplement the seed membranes GAC. In 3 different quantity levels are 40, 50 and 60 percent, leading, for example, that the sensory tests. Characteristics of concentrated drinks, and ready-to-drink mixers in the color. Smell, texture (intensity) of the overall taste and passion to see the concentration and dilution by appropriate testing of 60 people who are teachers. Students of rajamangala University of technology Phra Nakhon and external parties by planning a random block experimental (Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD) and compare the differences of the average level of 95 per cent confidence by way of (Duncan New Multiple Range Test). Study results showed that the quantity of seed coat in the GAC extra lime juice concentrate 50 per cent accepted most. Score average sensory aspects of color. Smell, texture (intensity) of the overall taste and passion is equal to 7.51 7.51 7.28 7.28 7.28 and, respectively, and compare the differences of all three levels of GAC seed coat reveals that all the different, so no dilution in the level 2. Nutritional value of concentrated lemon drink mix seed membrane GAC. Quantity 100 g., energy kcal 204 total fat 0.9 g protein, 0.3 grams carbohydrate 48.6 g moisture/water 0.4 gram ash and 49.7 grams betacarotene 1683 maikhrokram.