Schools are important institutions for education reform as operators. Operation-level education is important for
overall education reform. Therefore, school-level education reform strategies drive education reform into the right
direction. In the Middle Years Research and Development (MYRAD) Program and the Innovation and Best Practice
Program (IBPP) organized in Australia (Hill & Russel, 1999 cited in Stobart & Stoll, 2005) indicated that one of the
six strategies of high school education reform was that education reform strategies should emphasize learning and
instruction. Teachers and principals directly affected learners’ educational quality. As education managers, they
must promote and develop learners through learning processes so that learning outcomes are consistent with goals
and desirable characteristics of learners according to curriculum.
Evaluation results of schools, principals, teachers and learners reflect educational quality. If teachers and
principals implement the results to develop learning management, learners’ quality will be improved and changes
will be created in policy making and activities in schools.
Implementation of evaluation results must be done in a systematic way. Strategy planning, work strategies and
success criteria are important mechanism that helps determine visions of schools when using evaluation results.