„Not good Meaning everybody, old man to come late.”
However, at this moment, the frank laughter resounds suddenly together, when this sound resounds, together form, is at a rapid speed, sat in that Immortal Luo Pan position.
At this moment, all people know that is long in coming Immortal Luo Pan, finally arrived.
Freely, Immortal Luo Pan came lately, may actually nobody dare to say anything, because the people of presence know that Immortal Luo Pan in four immortals who today entered the stage, most had one of the component.
Such character, Moon Cloud City can, be very should not be welcome easy, who dares saying that his half a word isn't?
The people thought that can see the Immortal Luo Pan portrait fortunately, is their good fortunes.
Therefore, at this moment, people on the scene, old young, the strength, many people have revealed how accommodation of looking at reverently.
„Unexpectedly is he?!”
However, when the people are joyful, Chu Feng is actually in the heart moves, because of that Immortal Luo Pan, with the makings of other three bone immortal winds is very different.
He unexpectedly is an appearance of monk, is not only a monk, but also wears a worn-out cotton garment.
This appearance, this appearance, is not just on the same day in Emperor Nangong beyond the clan, in the Chu Feng hand, claims that shameless monk of reel forcefully?
If not for this monk, has won Immortal Xue Fa, gives the reel that Chu Feng gets used to seeing, Chu Feng like that is played jokes upon by Immortal Xue Fa.
Chu Feng really has not thought that this with the swindler same monk, can be unexpectedly of Immortal Luo Pan ten immortals.
And, looked that the people responded at this moment, this Immortal Luo Pan, the status really is not quite as if common.
„Was bad, won't this old fogy, reveal me?”
Chu Feng was somewhat afraid, although to this compass impression is not very good, but Chu Feng actually has to acknowledge that the technique of his World Spirit is very strong.
Otherwise, on the same day impossible to see through, the reel in Chu Feng Cosmos Sack, and sees through the camouflage technique of Chu Feng.
Initially, he can see through itself, then properly speaking, he can also see through Chu Feng today is.
„Hey, starts.”
However, that Immortal Luo Pan, after taking a seat, although also took a fast look around Chu Feng, but he has not actually paid attention to Chu Feng, but on the scene nodded to the masters with a smile, hinted this competion to start.
Properly speaking, his such character, impossible not to have seen through Chu Feng is, but he has not opened the mouth, thinks that does not plan to reveal Chu Feng.
What no matter the opposite party sells is any climax, is taking advantage what kind, so long as does not reveal itself, Chu Feng thought that this is then good.
„On that stage, who is?”
At this moment, the sound resounds together suddenly, waits and sees along the sound, that is one cultivation to similarly immeasurably deep, but at least is the powerhouse of Martial Emperor level.
But this, by no means the people of nine potentials, by no means the people of four clans, he is Moon Cloud City city lord.
This city lord, although is also the hoary-headed old man, but the stature is grandiose, and puts on a silver-white armor.
That armor is sparkling, chest a symbol of moon, is appears aggressive extraordinary, but abandons this helmet and armor not to discuss that the old man himself is the imposing manner is also greatly strengthened, understood at a glance, he is the person of disposition ruling by force.
„Younger generation named Feng Xing, does not have not to send, to come here, but wants with four clan juniors, to compare notes.” Chu Feng holds the fist in the other hand to say.
„Doesn't have not to send? This repaired is, how possibly to have not to send?”
„It seems like this boy, is newcomer is bad.” Hears the words of Chu Feng, the people of four clan, have shown some looks of not being feeling well.
„Might as well, you already can win, has the qualifications to fight with four clan juniors.”
„Custom that this compares notes, you may probably listen carefully.”
„Four clan juniors, one after another to war, but before then, you can challenge random one person in four clan juniors.”
„You, if wins, can rest a game, compares notes by four clan juniors, after they compare notes one game, you then must continue to challenge random one of the four clan juniors.”
„Ex analogia, till you lost, so long as you lose one time, forfeited the qualifications that continues to challenge.”
„Understood what is heard?” Moon Cloud City city lord said.