1. If you feel that a webtoon has inappropriate content, push the [Report] button at the bottom of the episode's page to report it.
2. If you feel that content posted on the service violates personal copyright,
please send us an email at "dl_linewebtoons@navercorp.com" and be sure to include the information indicated below:
① The signature of the copyright holder or the copyright holder’s legal representative;
② Materials which prove that the person is the copyright holder (or a description of your work that you believe has been infringed);
③ Each allegedly infringing specific URL on LINE Webtoon (including Challenge League);
④ The contact information of the copyright holder or legal representative (address, phone number, email address);
⑤ Include the statements: “I have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law”; and
⑥ Include the statement: “The information in this notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed”, and “The contents of the copyright violation report are true, and that the reporter of the violation has received permission from the copyright holder to report the violation on their behalf.”
NAVER takes the following measures when we receive a takedown notice as indicated above.
① NAVER immediately takes down the User Posting at issue;
② NAVER notifies the user who posted such User Posting; and
③ If NAVER does not receive a response from such user within 14 days, we continue suspending the display of the User Posting and ultimately delete it.