an explicit dynamic model was formulated involving
the incorporation of the CG shift and suspension characteristic.
In order to minimize residual vibration as
well as settling time, the PSO was employed with
chaos method to optimize the multi-input shapers.
Other objectives such as improved robustness and saturation
limits of the input torques were also incorporated
in the optimization scheme. To overcome the
second problem, the authors presented a dynamic
model considering the dynamics of manipulator and
the interaction between suspended platform and
manipulator by introducing the DPM concept. In
order to generate the optimal trajectory, the PSO was
applied with chaos method to optimize the parameters
of inter-knots which were used to polynomial interpolation.
The optimal trajectories considering minimum
execution time and minimax jerks were obtained after
When the suspended platform moves with static
manipulator, the optimal multi-input shaping is effective
to suppress vibration with shorter settling time and
robustness. When the suspended platform moves with
dynamic manipulator, the PSO with chaos method was
effective to reduce the vibration by finding the time-jerk
synthetic optimal trajectory.