Mobile phone becomes one of the factors that people need in daily life. Although both of iPhone and Android are look interesting but many people prefer to use iPhone in terms of fashion, quality, and design. The most significant reason is fashion. Every time that iPhone have release, people will flock to buy which sometime may have to queue for hours. While buying of Android is proceed gradually. Another reason is quality of iPhone that better than Android. For example, Few Android phones have cameras as good as the one on the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6 cameras take great photos and include a lot of abilities to shoot videos. Whereas, Android do not have a lot of shoot modes and zoom ranges. In addition, iPhone app store has a smaller market share, so developers still tend to make the best app for iOS first. The last point of choosing iPhone is design. IPhone have a lot of developments in each year, so IPhone Company always came out with a new identity. For example, in the past, iPhone models are very thick and have a square shape. On the other hand, at present, iPhone models become a thin and curved shape so it is easier for consumers to carry. In summary, choosing iPhone is better than Android because of modern fashion, good quality, and comfortable design. The advantages of iPhone considered worth the price.