Given multiple philosophical perspectives that imbue the reality of working in organizations, alluding to such sources of coverage as Arbnor and Bjerke (1997),it is a
major undertaking to develop and engage sufficiently knowledgeable, discerning participants who are familiar with the range of perspectives,such that they may make
advantageous use of them and recognize their relative value,relevance, strengths, and
limitations.It is not a matter of being versed in one or two of them, but true to the
conditions and nature of open knowledge,one must play the range to provide every opportunity for open knowledge to emerge,taking full advantage of a systemic-cybernetic approach to apply the multiple of perspectives to any given circumstance and situation at the global level. This challenge is no easy task and expecting much of those who will be taxed to engage in this pursuit. Teamwork therefore comes into favor; it is difficult for participants to attain expertise in a full range of methodological approaches. Instead, each member of the team brings select expertise, so that the collective has the expertise-wise diverse know-how to act effectively in the global arena.