Mixed-factors ANCOVAs with a between-subjects factor of order, within-subjects factors of beverage type and size, and disinhibition scores as a covariate, were used to analyze differences across sessions in consumption of grams of beverage, energy from food, and overall energy from the snack. To compare hunger ratings after the snack between conditions, linear regressions were first completed in order to control for differences in hunger ratings before the snack. The regressions, which used initial hunger ratings as the independent variable and final hunger ratings as the dependent variable, generated standardized residual scores. These standardized scores were used in a mixed-factor ANCOVA, with the between-subjects factor of order, within-subjects factors of beverage type and beverage size, and disinhibition scores entered as a covariate. For all analyses with repeated measures, Greenhouse Geisser corrections were included to control for sphericity. Post hoc analyses with Bonferroni corrections were completed for significant outcomes. All data for analyses are presented as M± SD.