In recent years, the popularity of Internet usage and Internet communication tools
has become more important than ever (Tezer & Bicen, 2008; Uzunboylu & Ozdamli,
2011). This is also reflected in popular education. Consequently, the use of Internet
tools in education is rapidly growing. With the use of Internet, online education tools
are providing various advantages for ‘distant learning’, which has taken an
important position in our lives (Cavus, Uzunboylu, & Ibrahim, 2008). Teacher
candidates are presented with Internet technologies in various new learning services.
Through Internet tools, a wide range of resources and content can be shared easily.
Therefore, the Internet is playing a crucial role in delivery of higher education
lectures. Differences have been observed in the way teachers manage the use of the
Internet in education. According to Kember, McNaught, Chong, Lam, and Cheng
(2010), there are a number of available websites, which teachers use in their lectures.
Nussbaum and Sinatra’s (2003) study stated that educators were receiving good
use from various websites’ tools. The term Web 2.0 showed itself with different tools