Although it was already the fall season, the high noon sun was blazing intensely hot. This was the time of day at which Yang energy was thickest in the air. The most sinister baking sunlight was at three quarters to noon. The average person would usually opt to not go out at this time, and instead stay at home and take a nap. However, right now at the Seven Profound Martial House’s martial stage was actually gathered a large crowd of people.
Most of these people were disciples from the Seven Profound Martial House’s Earth Hall and Human Hall. There were also some disciples of the Heavenly Abode that had arrived. Although at this time the sunlight was smolderingly hot, these people’s faces didn’t have the slightest hint of sweat. It was as if the skies were clear and they were leisurely looking around with an unflustered appearance. Obviously none of these disciples were mediocre.
Today was the day that the four people, Lin Ming, Zhang Cang, Wang Yanfeng, and Liu Mingxiang, had their gambling match. In this group of four, two of them were the first and second place of the new disciples that had taken the entrance exam, and the other two were strong old disciples. This stunt was enough to arouse the attention and interest of many disciples in the Seven Profound Martial House.
The disciples of the Human Hall had come to take a look at the liveliness and have some fun, but the disciples of the Earth Hall and Heavenly Abode had come to take a look at their future rivals. Whether it was Lin Ming or Wang Yanfeng, their later rankings would certainly rise. Even a disciple of the Heavenly Abode would not look down upon them. Of course, that was a matter for later. Right now, their strength was still in its infancy.
“There isn’t much suspense in the outcome of these matches. In the past battles that the new disciples participated in, the newbies almost never won against the old disciples, much less this time; they are up against Liu Mingxiang and Zhang Cang who are both experts. Lin Ming and Wang Yanfeng really do not have any hope at all.” A disciple of the Heavenly Abode slowly said as he looked at the sundial near the martial stage.
“Indeed. But don’t underestimate this Lin Ming. When he first entered the Martial House, I didn’t care about him at all, but in the last Ten Thousand Killing Array assessment he was able to reach rank 126. This is an extraordinary result. This time he is up against Zhang Cang. If he were matched against Liu Mingxiang, then that Liu Mingxiang would not do well and might possibly fail miserably.”