It's very good, the boy said. before he could stop himself. You're right, it is very good, said Miss Trunchbull, then she turned to the door. Cook! Come in here! The school cook came into the room. She was carrying the largest chocolate cake you have ever seen. There was a small table and a chair next to Miss Trunchbull, and the cook put the cake on the table. Sit down, Bogtrotter, said Miss Trunchbull. The boy sat down and looked at the big cake It's all for you, Bogtrotter, said Miss Trunchbull."You wanted cake! Now you've got cake! And nobody will leave this toom until you've eaten every bit of it The boy looked at the cake, then began to eat. He'll be sick before he eats half of it: Lavender said to Matilda, She was wrong. Bruce Bogtrotter ate f the cake before he stopped for a few seconds Eat! Eat!" shouted Miss Trunchbull The boy cut another piece of cake. He didn't say, I'm going be sick!' He went on eating eating lwo hundred and fifty children watched. Suddenly, someone