At the processing plant, the trailer load of oranges is weighed on scales in order to determine the weight of fruit received, which will be used to base the payment to the grower. The trailer of oranges is then unloaded onto a conveyor belt. From this belt, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) takes a representative sample to test it for juice content and maturity, and to certify the pounds solids per box (the unit that growers' payment is based upon). The fruit is then diverted to storage bins labeled according to the juice specification as determined by FDACS. Oranges are then selected from the bins to enable blending of optimal quality. The fruit is conveyed by belt through a washing process.Then it enters into the processing plant where it is graded for bad or damaged fruit. The fruit is then separated by size and sent to the juice extractors. Inside the extractors, before juicing, the peel is pricked to extract the oils found in the peel, then the juice is extracted.