3. 3. Results
ผลตัวอย่างของกลุ่มที่เป็นเนื้อเดียวกันที่ถูกแบ่งออกเป็นสามsubsamples ค่าเฉลี่ยของแต่ละเจ็ดรายการใน The sample of homogeneous groups was split into three subsamples divided according to the level of risk determined in the preliminary assessment (low, medium, high risk). The average values of each of the seven items of in- -การประเมินเชิงลึกที่ได้รับจากแบบสอบถามเครื่องมือชี้วัดที่ถูกนำมาเปรียบเทียบเหล่านี้ย่อยdepth assessment obtained from the Indicator Tool questionnaire were compared for these sub- -ตัวอย่างการใช้ สำหรับแต่ละมิติในแบบสอบถามเครื่องมือดัชนี ผลการวิจัยแสดงให้เห็นว่าการวิเคราะห์ความแปรปรวนในการย่อยsamples, using a univariate ANOVA (Table 2). For each dimension in the Indicator Tool questionnaire, the mean scores with the lowest values numerically correspond to a highest level of perceived risk, while, in the results of the checklist, the higher the values, the higher the level of risk. ANOVA findings show that, in the sub- -ตัวอย่างที่มีความเสี่ยงสูงในการประเมินเบื้องต้นมีที่ต่ำกว่าค่าเฉลี่ยในในsamples with a high risk in the preliminary assessment, there are lower average values in the in- -การประเมินความลึกกว่าย่อยdepth assessment than for the sub- -ตัวอย่างที่มีขนาดกลางหรือมีความเสี่ยงต่ำ ใช้ทดสอบตุรกีเฉพาะกิจโพสต์เราพบว่ากลุ่มที่ประเมินเบื้องต้นแตกต่างสำหรับมิติในแต่ละsamples with medium or low risk. Using a Turkey post hoc test, we found that the preliminary assessment groups differ significantly for each dimension of the in- -การประเมินความลึก มีข้อยกเว้นของdepth assessment. With the exception of '' ‘‘ควบคุม", ทุกมิติแสดงให้เห็นความแตกต่างอย่างมีนัยสำคัญในกลุ่มที่มีความเสี่ยงสูงหรือต่ำ Control”, all the dimensions show a significant difference in groups with high or low risk. In addition, ‘‘Managerial support” and ‘‘Role” also showed a significant difference between the high risk and medium risk groups, while ‘‘Change” showed a significant difference between the medium risk group and the low risk group.
In terms of the analysis of the correlations between the results of the two tools, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to verify the convergent validity between the two tools. According to the findings, correlations between the results of the preliminary assessment and the mean values of the in-depth assessment are all significant (p ≤ .001) and are inversely correlated (Table 3). This is, as stated before, because the higher the score of the preliminary
assessment, the higher the resulting risk, whereas for the in-depth assessment the result must be read the other way around: the lower the average score, the higher the perceived risk. It follows that the correlations indicate that, if the level of risk increases in the preliminary assessment, the risk perceived by workers during the in-depth assessment increases accordingly.
Following Cohen’s methodological guidelines (Cohen, 1988) and considering the convergent validity between the results of the two assessments, the findings revealed six correlations with a moder-ate value: Demands (-.385), Control (-.322), Managerial Support (-.425), Relationships, (-.362), Role (-.300), Change (-.424) and a correlation with a lower value, Peer Support, (-.240).
The analysis of discrepancies made it possible to compare the levels of risk highlighted during the preliminary assessment with the scores obtained during the in-depth assessment. Discrepancies were found in 48 homogeneous groups (corresponding to 35 com-panies), which represent 16% of the total sample. The data relating to these discrepancies are shown in Table 4.
Although the percentage of discrepancies is low, those identi-fied were of different types. More specifically, homogeneous groups with a discrepancy belonging to the first type (low risk in the preliminary assessment vs high risk in the in-depth assessment) are 3.74% of the total number of groups considered and 6.55% of the groups with a low preliminary risk. The groups with a discrepancy belonging to the third type (medium risk in the preliminary assessment vs low risk in the in-depth assessment) are 5.10% of the total number of observations and 13.2% of the groups with a medium preliminary risk, and the groups with a discrepancy belonging to the fourth type (low risk in the preliminary assessment vs medium–high risk in the in-depth assessment) are 7.1% of the total and 12.5% of the groups with a low risk in the preliminary assessment. No second type discrepancy (high-risk in the preliminary assessment vs low-risk in the in-depth assessment) was found in the homogeneous groups.
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