Conclusions and Caveats
The goal of this paper is to provide bottom-up estimates of the health damages associated with coal-fired power plants in India and the benefits of reducing emissions of particulate matter, SO2 and NOx at individual plants. Our analysis of the health effects of air emissions from coal-fired power plants is a preliminary one, using intake fraction equations derived from power plants in China to estimate the impact of power plant emissions on population exposures. We also rely on concentration-response transfer from the United States to estimate impacts on premature mortality. Because we estimate impacts only for persons aged 30 and older and only for cardiopulmonary mortality, our estimates are lower-bound estimates of health effects. As is the case for most estimates of the health effects of air pollution, the weakest part of our analysis is the atmospheric chemistry linking changes in emissions to changes in population-weighted exposures. We believe, however, that some conclusions are possible from our study.