The "First Mile" for containerized commodity chains would essentially be the same than for bulk commodity chains. It could require a regional facility, next to an intermodal terminal, that would containerize the commodities. Alternatively, the containerization process can take place at the export port facility, particularly in the context where an inland distribution system collecting commodities has already been established and efficiently operating. At this point, the commodity chain becomes integrated to the existing containerized freight transport system, which is commonly articulated by corridors for inland distribution. This system is flexible and subject to port competition meaning that there are options to select services from a cost and time perspective. Container ports are commonly serviced by pendulum services conferring frequency and a number of port calls along maritime ranges. At gateways, containers are transferred to corridors until they reach the closer inland terminal to the customer. In between, there can be facilities that will decompose the commodities into loads manageable by the customers, such as bags and pallets.