Mouth moderately large, the maxilla reaching slightly
posterior to a vertical at centre of eye, the upper jaw
length 2.2 in head; a very small, splint-like supramaxilla
posteriorly on maxilla; mouth oblique, the gape forming
an angle of about 25° to horizontal axis of body; a pair
of strong incurved canine teeth anteriorly in upper jaw
(double on one side) separated by a gap about equal to
half orbit diameter; rest of jaw with a band of villiform
teeth, broadest anteriorly, a narrow gap with no teeth
anteriorly at symphysis, immediately to side of midline
a few teeth in the inner row of band enlarged, slender
and inwardly depressible; a close-set pair of strong
slightly recurved canine teeth about half way back in
lower jaw; a band of villiform teeth in lower jaw,
broadest anteriorly, without any enlarged teeth; teeth or
two sides of jaw contiguous at symphysis; a V-shaped
band of villiform teeth on vomer in three irregular rows;
a narrow band of villiform teeth on palatines in two
to three irregular rows. Tongue pointed.