Data treatment and analyses
Physical fitness tests were analysed for those performing both tests, before intervention (BASE) and after one year (FOLLOW UP). The four groups (three educational groups and one control group) were compared regarded maximal oxygen uptake and analysed with one-way Anova at BASE and FOLLOW UP (p ≤ 0.05 indicates statistical significant differences). Also, mean values for the groups were calculated for the whole group as well as split on gender and analysed with further t-test to sort out in which of the groups the differences were present. By paired sample t-test (p ≤ 0.05), differences between first and second measure were analysed. This was also performed for the four occupational groups.
Answers of those who participated in both questionnaires (BASE and FOLLOW UP) were analysed by comparisons between the four groups by nonparametric tests (independent samples Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney two-independent samples tests), and differences between the first and the second questionnaire were analysed by nonparametric tests (paired samples).
All analyses were performed with SPSS software.