Following is a high-level view of each initiative and key elements of its corresponding action plan.
Consumer Engagement Protocol:develop a code of conduct for digital engagement with consumers
Description: This project is designed to address the changes being witnessed in consumer ้็behavior. Driven by user-generated content and social media, the potential power of digital technology to disrupt established institutions and the associated brand equity is undeniable. However,there are also opportunities to connect directly with our consumers and shoppers from a research and marketing perspective. The project is focused on identifying potential
risks and opportunities and establishing guidelines for digital engagement to ensure that initiatives we drive, as an industry,do not compromise our reputation and take into account
consumer privacy.The cross-stakeholder framework should define guidelines and principles for the “give-and-get” model (what consumers get in exchange for giving personal data), including how to
collect data from consumers, when to engage with them and areas of data usage. The simple, easy-to-use guidelines should address different “classes” of data (such as “who I am,” “what I do,” “what I like,” “where I am”).
Rationale: There is a need to build trust with consumers and shoppers in digital channels and to mitigate risks from privacy invasion. Increasingly, companies recognize the need to be proactive vs. being regulated in this area, but currently there is no voluntary global commitment concerning this in the consumer goods and retail industry.
Value and Impact: Avoid regulations, improve consumer trust and therefore satisfaction, and increase sales