So this morning I've been seeing these posts about our ever so loving US Border Patrol Agents doing something awful to a fellow cosplayer. Regardless of famous or not, the same rules apply to everyone, but a little insight on the incident from what I've gathered up because seems like people are pointing the fingers at the wrong people. So here's my write up in regards to Ms. Yuegene Fay
The first note is in regards to how many people are blaming "Anime Matsuri" for this whole mess, first and foremost, after reading all the tweets the real blame is not with AM it's with the US Embassy. In order to travel to a country, depending on where you are coming from, a visiting Visa may be required pending on your point of origin. If you're origin requires a visiting Visa per the laws of the destination country, you are required to visit that country's Embassy in your home country. The process to fill out a visiting Visa does tend to be a tedious hassle that nobody likes doing. For those who live in the US knows that our gov't tends to mess up alot when it comes to processing legal documents. Somewhere along on the line when they were processing her Visa, someone probably screwed up. Possibly the dates of entry and dates of departure, or it didn't go through in time, remember it takes along time to process a Visa and passports. None of us know what could've happen but she did state that there was a problem with her "VISA." Now for everyone whose saying why isn't AM doing anything about it, the sad truth is there really is nothing they can do about it. However how they're going about it, I applaud their efforts for honestly trying, but the one thing they need to do is go to the girl's home country Embassy (my assumption is she's from Thailand based on her her tweets I'm seeing) and speak with their representatives. Although from what I'm seeing she appears to be back home safe and sound.
Next topic one I picked up from this post.
"★ BUT, to US customs, a one way ticket looks like legal immigration so they detained her without doing any research"
Not entirely true, as soon as she arrives at the Border Patrol area, it's their call whether or not they wish to detain said person. The best way to avoid getting turned away or in this case what happened, is to have other proof of departing the country for another destination, the best way to practice this is to show your ticket to your next destination after leaving the US which is probably neither AM or the girl thought about before she hit Border Patrol. When they scanned her Visa as mentioned in the previous paragraph, something did not add up as it's possible the dates weren't entered correctly (which does happen alot) maybe the name was entered incorrectly (which does happen alot as well) or the embassy forgot to enter it at all (which does happen too.) We don't know what it is they saw that caused them to flag it. Now how they handled the situation that's something I can't speak for because one known of us were there. We don't know who these agents are. All I know is what we CAN do is write a formal complaint about it to CBP stating how handled this situation poorly (which requires information on this person in order for them to pin point the time and place of when it happened).
"★ HOWEVER, the airport isn't considered US soil, so the AM layer could not get to her to fight the case"
Technically this is true, if you are an international traveler despite being INSIDE the country, you are not legally in that country's boundaries until AFTER you pass Border Patrol. The area you are in is known as the Immigration Area, this is normal for all airports, it's basically like International Waters where all countries follow International laws that was agreed upon. Border Patrol Agents are the only enforcement agencies from all countries where whomever is the person is closest to will be subject to prosecution under International Laws. In this case since she was (unfortunately) in the area of the US, they acted upon what was necessary (though imho it was poorly executed). The fact that they did not provided a translator, that was fault 1 on their part. The treatment of what this girl went through fault 2 on their part. Then when they transferred her to a holding area and made her go through all the crap they put her though fault 3. What we're seeing is basically typical going overboard due to various incidents that have affected border patrol's rational thinking.
Now for those so called "contracts" that is suppose to guarantee a international guest to visit a convention in this country. Sorry to say this but it doesn't always guarantee you anything, remember whatever origin they're coming from, they may or may not be required to acquire a Visa in order to visit this country, it all depends on what the countries agreed upon. Even if you buy flights and what not, the guest still has to go to the Embassy of the destination's country in order to prepare for their trip to the if necessary.
Here is an example from Japan's Embassy when visiting their country on a US Passport ( ) If you notice under the business, Conference/Seminar Participation, US Citizen Media, and Depositions section a Visa is "NOT REQUIRED" as you are only in the country for 5 days in the country for a convention (includes arriving and departing days too). Also if you take a look at this page, we see that this girl's origin country is not on the list of exemption to enter the US without the need of a Visa. So like said, even if you have a contract with a convention to visit the US for a convention, you are subject to a Visa which is the guest's responsibility to grab it if necessary. However what happens after they turn in their paperwork we can't control. It's sad to see a cosplayer like this was forced to undergo an extremely shocking experience while trying to make her way from place to place. Unfortunately there is nothing AM can do about the girl's Visa and Passport, that's a federal government issue.
The best thing we can do is hope for the best and hope she'll be able to write a formal complaint to CBP and seek disciplinary actions against parties involved. If anyone is close to her I suggest sending her this link to start the process, they do take abuse of power very seriously and can review the way things were handled. Especially after the fact that a translator was not provided. Have them send this link to her right away
I hope this write up has been helpful to those who are upset about this whole ordeal but it's best to be upset at the proper culprits rather than point the finger at the wrong people. It's best to be well informed than to go in blindly y'know? This also ties in with her Blacklisting, because she was wrongfully accused she can submit an appeal to be reviewed and then explain her experience to what happened in front of a panel whom will determine if her case is strong. Once they see how hard it was for her to get through Border Patrol I have good faith they will rule in her favor. She can also mention in her formal complaint she was wrongfully blacklisted due to her limited english speaking. If AM wishes to help her, this is the route to go. It's a good step to get all this resolved. So feel free to share this with the staff of AM and hopefully it'll get them on the right track.
ดังนั้น เช้านี้ผมได้ได้เห็นบทความเหล่านี้เกี่ยวกับความรักมากยิ่งเราขอบลาดตระเวนตัวแทนของเราทำอะไรแวะไป cosplayer เพื่อน ไม่มีชื่อเสียง หรือ ไม่ ใช้กฎเดียวกันทุกคน แต่ความเข้าใจเล็กน้อยในปัญหาจากการที่ผมได้รวบรวมขึ้นเนื่องจากดูเหมือนว่าคนชี้มือไปที่คนผิด ดังนั้น นี่เป็นของฉันเขียนขึ้นไปนางสาว Yuegene Fayหมายเหตุครั้งแรกไปคนมี blaming "การ์ตูน Matsuri" สำหรับระเบียบนี้ทั้งหมด อันดับแรก หลังจากที่อ่านเข้ามาทั้งหมดตำหนิจริงไม่เกี่ยวกับกับสถานทูตได้ การเดินทางไปประเทศ ตามที่มาจาก วีซ่าเยี่ยมชมอาจจะต้องรอในของจุดกำเนิดของ ถ้าคุณจุดเริ่มต้นต้องใช้วีซ่าเยี่ยมชมต่อกฎหมายของประเทศปลายทาง คุณจะต้องไปสถานทูตของประเทศที่ประเทศนั้น การกรอกคำร้องขอวีซ่ามาเยี่ยมมักจะ ยุ่งยากน่าเบื่อที่ไม่มีใครชอบทำ สำหรับผู้ที่อาศัยอยู่ในสหรัฐอเมริการู้ว่า gov't ของเรามีแนวโน้มจะ ยุ่งขึ้นมากเมื่อมันมาเพื่อประมวลผลเอกสารทางกฎหมาย บางแห่งตามบรรทัด เมื่อพวกเขาถูกประมวลผลวีซ่าของเธอ คนคงเมาค่า อาจเป็นวันที่ของรายการและวันออก หรือไม่ผ่านในเวลา จำใช้ตลอดเวลาในการประมวลผลวีซ่าและหนังสือเดินทาง เราไม่รู้ว่าไม่ได้เกิดขึ้น แต่เธอไม่ได้ระบุว่า มีปัญหากับเธอ "วีซ่า" ตอนนี้สำหรับคนบอกว่า ทำไมไม่ทำอะไรเกี่ยวกับ AM เป็นความจริงเศร้าจริง ๆ ไม่มีอะไรทำเลย แต่ว่าพวกเขากำลังเกี่ยวกับมัน ฉันตบมือความสุจริตอย่างพยายาม แต่สิ่งหนึ่งที่พวกเขาต้องทำคือ ไปยังประเทศบ้านของหญิงสาวสถานเอกอัครราชทูต (อัสสัมชัญของฉันคือ เธอมาจากประเทศไทยตามเธอเข้ามาเธอฉันพบ) และพูดคุยกับตัวแทนของตน แต่จากที่ฉันพบ เธอแล้วจะ กลับบ้านปลอดภัยและเสียงNext topic one I picked up from this post."★ BUT, to US customs, a one way ticket looks like legal immigration so they detained her without doing any research"Not entirely true, as soon as she arrives at the Border Patrol area, it's their call whether or not they wish to detain said person. The best way to avoid getting turned away or in this case what happened, is to have other proof of departing the country for another destination, the best way to practice this is to show your ticket to your next destination after leaving the US which is probably neither AM or the girl thought about before she hit Border Patrol. When they scanned her Visa as mentioned in the previous paragraph, something did not add up as it's possible the dates weren't entered correctly (which does happen alot) maybe the name was entered incorrectly (which does happen alot as well) or the embassy forgot to enter it at all (which does happen too.) We don't know what it is they saw that caused them to flag it. Now how they handled the situation that's something I can't speak for because one known of us were there. We don't know who these agents are. All I know is what we CAN do is write a formal complaint about it to CBP stating how handled this situation poorly (which requires information on this person in order for them to pin point the time and place of when it happened)."★ HOWEVER, the airport isn't considered US soil, so the AM layer could not get to her to fight the case"Technically this is true, if you are an international traveler despite being INSIDE the country, you are not legally in that country's boundaries until AFTER you pass Border Patrol. The area you are in is known as the Immigration Area, this is normal for all airports, it's basically like International Waters where all countries follow International laws that was agreed upon. Border Patrol Agents are the only enforcement agencies from all countries where whomever is the person is closest to will be subject to prosecution under International Laws. In this case since she was (unfortunately) in the area of the US, they acted upon what was necessary (though imho it was poorly executed). The fact that they did not provided a translator, that was fault 1 on their part. The treatment of what this girl went through fault 2 on their part. Then when they transferred her to a holding area and made her go through all the crap they put her though fault 3. What we're seeing is basically typical going overboard due to various incidents that have affected border patrol's rational thinking.Now for those so called "contracts" that is suppose to guarantee a international guest to visit a convention in this country. Sorry to say this but it doesn't always guarantee you anything, remember whatever origin they're coming from, they may or may not be required to acquire a Visa in order to visit this country, it all depends on what the countries agreed upon. Even if you buy flights and what not, the guest still has to go to the Embassy of the destination's country in order to prepare for their trip to the if necessary.Here is an example from Japan's Embassy when visiting their country on a US Passport ( ) If you notice under the business, Conference/Seminar Participation, US Citizen Media, and Depositions section a Visa is "NOT REQUIRED" as you are only in the country for 5 days in the country for a convention (includes arriving and departing days too). Also if you take a look at this page, we see that this girl's origin country is not on the list of exemption to enter the US without the need of a Visa. So like said, even if you have a contract with a convention to visit the US for a convention, you are subject to a Visa which is the guest's responsibility to grab it if necessary. However what happens after they turn in their paperwork we can't control. It's sad to see a cosplayer like this was forced to undergo an extremely shocking experience while trying to make her way from place to place. Unfortunately there is nothing AM can do about the girl's Visa and Passport, that's a federal government issue.The best thing we can do is hope for the best and hope she'll be able to write a formal complaint to CBP and seek disciplinary actions against parties involved. If anyone is close to her I suggest sending her this link to start the process, they do take abuse of power very seriously and can review the way things were handled. Especially after the fact that a translator was not provided. Have them send this link to her right away hope this write up has been helpful to those who are upset about this whole ordeal but it's best to be upset at the proper culprits rather than point the finger at the wrong people. It's best to be well informed than to go in blindly y'know? This also ties in with her Blacklisting, because she was wrongfully accused she can submit an appeal to be reviewed and then explain her experience to what happened in front of a panel whom will determine if her case is strong. Once they see how hard it was for her to get through Border Patrol I have good faith they will rule in her favor. She can also mention in her formal complaint she was wrongfully blacklisted due to her limited english speaking. If AM wishes to help her, this is the route to go. It's a good step to get all this resolved. So feel free to share this with the staff of AM and hopefully it'll get them on the right track.
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