Hi, my name is Albert. I'm a medical student in his last year, from Mexico City. I want to study genetics in an institute here, so I presented my curriculum and they gave me a topic for a thesis... It's about studying the genetics and its influence in some body parts, particullary feet. I'm looking for foot diferences between countries, mainly foot shape, toe shape and size, angles between joins and separations between toes. I know it's kinda weird topic but it's interesting, at least, for me. If I finish this thesis and I can publish an article, they will let me study there.
I don't know many foreign people here in Mexico. The people I know have already helped me, thank God. I was wondering if you could help me with my thesis please. I know this is not the proper way to have people who want to participate but I really don't know what else to do. I don't want to bother you, and I'm sorry if you feel bothered with my words.
If you want, you could read something about the topic in Kaplan's 1964 study about Genetics of relative toe lengths. And Hawkes' study from 1914, about the relative lengths of toes from the perspective of occurrence, anatomy, genetics and heredity, the latter is in the Journal of Genetics (as you can see, the studies concluded so far are old, so that's why I'm into this topic, it is necessary an actualization)