Table 2
The number (Num) and percent (%) of responses and results from multiple
comparisons (MC) of the most common forms of damage for the coastal, valley, and
mountain plus multi-region (Mt þ Multi) category for coyotes.
Form of damagea Coastal Valley Mt þ Multi
Num % MCb Num % MCc Num % MCb
Direct consumption 0 B 1 7 0 B
Damage to irrigation 3 30 AB 8 57 1 7 B
Depredation of livestock 7 70 A 5 36 14 93 A
a Forms of damage were as follows: direct consumption ¼ loss of crop production
through direct consumption of fruit, nut, seed, or vegetation; damage to
irrigation ¼ damage to irrigation infrastructure or loss of water down burrow
system; depredation of livestock ¼ depredation of livestock.
b Values in the same column with the same letter did not differ (P < 0.05).
c There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the reported forms of damage
for this region.