Basic dough formula on 100 g flour basis consisted of salt (2 g),
compressed yeast (5 g), ascorbic acid (100 ppm), the amount of
water required to reach 500 BU of consistency, and 10, 15, 20, 25
and 30% stabilized RB, respectively (when added). Two-step bulk
fermentation and proofing was used. The doughs were mixed at
farinograph bowl for 5 min at low speed, fermented for 30 min,
then dough pieces (300 g) were hand-moulded and put into tin
pans for proofing for other 60 min (30 C and 60e70% relative
humidity) and finally baked at 220 C for 45 min. The bread quality
attributes were evaluated after cooling for 1 h at room temperature.
A small quantity of bread loaveswere dried, ground to pass through
0.5 mm screen and stored at 25 C for further analysis.
Basic dough formula on 100 g flour basis consisted of salt (2 g),compressed yeast (5 g), ascorbic acid (100 ppm), the amount ofwater required to reach 500 BU of consistency, and 10, 15, 20, 25and 30% stabilized RB, respectively (when added). Two-step bulkfermentation and proofing was used. The doughs were mixed atfarinograph bowl for 5 min at low speed, fermented for 30 min,then dough pieces (300 g) were hand-moulded and put into tinpans for proofing for other 60 min (30 C and 60e70% relativehumidity) and finally baked at 220 C for 45 min. The bread qualityattributes were evaluated after cooling for 1 h at room temperature.A small quantity of bread loaveswere dried, ground to pass through0.5 mm screen and stored at 25 C for further analysis.
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