Two 50 cm 50 cm quadrats were established at both the 6 m and 12 m points of each of the 4 subplot transects to collect all litter, except downed woody debris, down to the mineral soil surface. Two 50 cm 50 cm quadrats were established at the 10 m transect point of each of the 4 subplot transects to harvest all ground vegetation < 1.3 m in height. Ground vegetation included any sort of seed, seedling, propagule, or pneumatophore present in the quadrats. Each of these sample types was composited for each subplot and then weighed in the field to the nearest gram. To determine water content, representative subsamples from each plot were weighed in the lab and then placed in a 60 C drying oven and dried until a constant weight was achieved. This wet to dry mass ratio was used to adjust the masses of the whole litter and ground vegetation samples to a dry-weight basis, which were then scaled to a per-hectare estimate. Mass was converted to C concentration by applying a conversion factor of 0.45, as recommended by Kauffman and Donato (2012).
Two 50 cm 50 cm quadrats were established at both the 6 m and 12 m points of each of the 4 subplot transects to collect all litter, except downed woody debris, down to the mineral soil surface. Two 50 cm 50 cm quadrats were established at the 10 m transect point of each of the 4 subplot transects to harvest all ground vegetation < 1.3 m in height. Ground vegetation included any sort of seed, seedling, propagule, or pneumatophore present in the quadrats. Each of these sample types was composited for each subplot and then weighed in the field to the nearest gram. To determine water content, representative subsamples from each plot were weighed in the lab and then placed in a 60 C drying oven and dried until a constant weight was achieved. This wet to dry mass ratio was used to adjust the masses of the whole litter and ground vegetation samples to a dry-weight basis, which were then scaled to a per-hectare estimate. Mass was converted to C concentration by applying a conversion factor of 0.45, as recommended by Kauffman and Donato (2012).
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