Analysis of the Data
The coding of quantitative data and the creation of the data file for the study
was completed by members of the University of Queensland research team
under the supervision of the principal researchers. As part of this process, a
range of analyses incorporating frequencies, reliability analysis, correlations,
and a series of one-way ANOVAs were completed using SPSS Version 15.0
(IBM: Armonk, NY, USA).
Three qualitative questions were also imbedded into the survey instrument.
Of these, one item asked visitors about their impressions of how
the TCMF differed from other festivals, whereas a second asked for written
comments on what visitors most enjoyed about the festival and its organization.
The third sought input on what, if anything, visitors would like to see
improved in the future.
Visitor responses to each of these questions were entered into an Excel
spreadsheet, then coded and analyzed to identify key common themes. In