Secondary outcomes
Maternal knowledge was examined using antenatal knowledge and readiness for labour and birth and parenting/infant care. The mean level of antenatal knowledge among women allocated to group care was 2.6 times higher (MD 2.60, 95 CI% 1.7 higher to 3.5 higher) than among those given standard care (one trial; N = 993; Analysis 1.11). Mean readiness for labour and birth in group care was 7.6 times higher (MD 7.60, 95% CI 3.45 higher to 11.75 higher) than among women who received standard care (one trial; N = 993; Analysis 1.13). Mean readiness for infant care was similar between groups (MD 3.10, 95% CI -0.06 to 6.26; one trial; N = 993; Analysis 1.14).