Nursing is a profession that aims to provide health services to individuals,family and communities need skill nursing pratice. A knowledge base for nursing pratice that requires a continuous development,which currently has a theory and nursing process that contributes to the quality of nursing care.
As a nurse,nursing process is important in the performance.It is something that theoretical knowledge into practice. The nursing process of the planned activities for patients with healthy. For example,using the nursing process 5 step of the situation. "My patient is a 63 years old female.In the past 10 year ago,she was knock ed down by the motorcycle that made her left ankle broke. The doctor did plate and screw with her left ankle. Her chief complaint was chronic wound at left ankle. If occurs inflammation." The first step is assessment to patient pain and swelling in her left ankle. The second step is nursing diagnosis to a patient may cause infection wound at the surgery plate and screw of ankle. The third step is the planning to give her paracetamol when she feels painfully. The fourth step is the implementation to observe the wound about discharge,dry dressing OD and observe painfulness. The fifth step is evaluation to a patient does not cause infection of surgical wound.
So the nursing process is important to the nursing profession. A work with a goal to promote good health. To prevent and solve or alleviate health problems for people with health problems or are likely to occur.The skills and knowledge from the relevant scientific process of nursing process.